For Identogo Fingerprinting Services, go to 611 Hammond Street, Suite 2, Bangor, ME 04401

Work With us When you Need Asset Location in the Whole State of Maine

Make Sure They Aren't Hiding Anything

During a legal battle or divorce, one party may try to conceal money or assets to avoid giving the other party what they’re owed. The best way to discover these hidden assets is to hire a PI. Bangor Private Investigations, Inc. can help.

We provide asset location services in Bangor & Brewer, ME. Our team can dig deep to find hidden assets to help ensure that you have a fair shot at your fair share.

Email us today to get started on asset location.

When do you Need Asset Location Services?

Getting help to find hidden assets can be necessary for a variety of situations. Our investigation team can help you when:

You’re going through a divorce
You’re ending a business relationship
You’re part of a bankruptcy lawsuit

We’ll work hard to find the assets that you may be entitled to. Discuss your situation with our team by calling 207-735-4489.

Bangor Private Investigations, Inc.


On a escale of A+ to F

Reviewed, Evaluated and Accredited

Meets All 8 Standards of Accreditation

BBB Accredited since 2019 for 2 years of continuous Accreditation

BBB Accredited: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
BBB Rating as of: Wednesday, July 28, 2021