For Identogo Fingerprinting Services, go to 611 Hammond Street, Suite 2, Bangor, ME 04401

Hire us to Perform Surveillance in the Whole State of Maine

Get the Answers you've Been Seeking

It can be tough to confront a cheating spouse or accuse a relative of stealing without proof. Your best bet may be hiring a private investigator for surveillance. Bangor Private Investigations, Inc. can help.

We perform covert surveillance throughout the Bangor & Brewer, ME area. We know how to go unnoticed and obtain the proof you need.

No matter your situation, we have the tools and tactics needed to uncover the truth. Speak with us today about your need for covert surveillance service.

Helping you Obtain Information for Criminal or Civilian Cases

Whether you need civil or criminal investigation assistance, our team is here to help. We can take pictures of the crime scene, utilize our database to find people and provide you with the documents you need to fight for your rights. If you’re being sued for wrongful death or personal injury, we can get the facts to help you defend your case.

Schedule an appointment to discuss investigative services with our team today. We’re here to help you through your case.

Bangor Private Investigations, Inc.


On a escale of A+ to F

Reviewed, Evaluated and Accredited

Meets All 8 Standards of Accreditation

BBB Accredited since 2019 for 2 years of continuous Accreditation

BBB Accredited: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
BBB Rating as of: Wednesday, July 28, 2021